The Adventures of Katie's "Little" Family

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

January 31 2010

Last night we took the kids all out to my parents house, where the association there was having a Karaoke night. They do this once a month and Victoria loves it! This is the first time that Jason and Jayden joined us. To Jason's and my surprise, Jayden said she wanted to sing too! So she and Victoria sang "Best of Both worlds" by Hannah Montana! It was so cute! I tried to video it, but realized that I left my memory card from my camera in my computer! Luckily my camera has a little bit of memory built in so I was able to get a little bit. Here's what I got:

I've been "cyber-stalking" these hair blogs online lately, and I'm really enjoying the hairstyles I'm finding! Jayden is so good about letting me do her hair! Victoria likes me doing her hair too, but she's not as good about getting it done! But it's been cute to do and I'm enjoying it! Hopefully I'll be able to do more! I have to figure out how to link to the blogs, but when I do, rest assured I will do so! Here's how I did the girls hair on Saturday night (I only got a picture of the back of Jayden's but Victoria's is the same. They always want their hair the same! They are so funny!

This is another style I did. I kind of came up with this on my own. I loved the twists and decided to try them. There's a great tutorial video at and then I did a flip ponytail in the back. I think it would've been cuter if I had the time to straighten the pony, but I didn't, so this is what you get. I still liked it though!

Because I was taking pictures of Jayden's hair, Micah thought I needed pictures of his hair too! So here's his hair! I can't really take credit for it though! lol

And here's a style I tried of Victoria's hair a couple days before. I still need to work on it a bit, and this was taken after school, and the flash was on, but you get the idea. Please don't mind the mess around her, Micah was feeling the need to take EVERYTHING out that day! 2 year olds!

As far as Bella, she now has 2 teeth! The first one broke through last week, and the second is coming through as I type this! Micah has more words every day and just has the cutest little personality! The more he talks the more it comes out! It's so much fun! Well I think that's it for now! I will post again soon!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

A New Year

I'm finding it hard to believe that it's 2010 already! I remember being a child and figuring out how old we (my brother & sister and I) would be in the year 2000 & here we are 10 years later! Thinking about it on New Years day, I realized that I have now lived in 5 different decades!!! Could that be possible? Yep it sure is! That makes me feel old... and sound a whole lot older than I actually am! Weren't we supposed to have flying cars and robots doing all our cleaning and dress in aluminum foil and things like that? Of course who would have guessed 30 years ago that most everyone would be walking around with a small phone that you could take with you? However now that almost everyone has one, it's hard to remember what like was life with out them, and if we don't have it on us for any reason we feel lost!

Now that we have entered a new year and a new decade, I look at my children and wonder what things are going to be like for them in 30 years! It's hard to imagine!

Victoria is now 8 (I can hardly believe it), but she is already starting to act like a teenager (God help me)! She is so smart, gets great grades, and her teacher loves having her in class. She is such an amazing child! She has told me that she wants to play soccer again this year, after taking 2 seasons off and has even been going with Jason and doing some training with him! She definitely has some potential as a goalkeeper and her height will be great for that! She still loves to sing and where my parents live they have a monthly karaoke night and she LOVES to sing there! She amazes me every single day!

Micah is 2 1/2 and all boy! He is funny beyond belief and so compassionate! When he's upset he tells you "I sad" and puts his head down and looks dejected! If he's crying he also lets you know that by telling you... "I cry"! He loves all of his sisters! He loves to look at pictures and tell you who everyone is, and when asked who he is, rather than say "Micah" he says "Mine"! I think he thinks that's his name! For Christmas we all got passes to Disneyland so we have taken him a few times and he loves it! There's nothing like taking a 2 year old to Disneyland! It's like seeing the park for the first time!

Allurabella is 9 months old already! I can't believe where the time has gone! She says a few things, "Ma-ma", and "Hi", but "Da-da" is far and away her favorite word! Two nights ago she took her first steps. I missed them, she walked to Jason. Yesterday I got to see her walk 4 steps - again to Jason! She is quickly becoming a Daddy's girl, and Jason is loving every minute of it!

I can't believe how quickly all of my kids are growing! It makes me happy and sad at the same time, but they are all healthy and happy and I never knew that 3 small people could make me so happy that I feel like my heart will explode! I can't wait to see what they will do next!